Anthem Lights has a song called The Unknown and there is a part of the chorus that says, "Don't you know that you're right at home in the unknown/I'm already there". It's supposed to be God talking to His child.
I certainly have not always been okay with the unknown of the future. I wouldn't even say that I'm completely okay with it now, but I am in an okay place at the moment where the future looks exciting!
I started doing a series on my Instagram stories where each Friday I featured a person/business/product that I really like. I'll probably repeat the few I've already done again at some point on here. The point is to hopefully introduce you to some great new products/business/people that you were not aware of before!!
Today's Feature Friday is a product/business called ClearPlay. Throughout my life, I've been asked the question, "Who's your favorite historical character?" or, similarly, "If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?". These are fairly common "get to know you" questions and I dreaded them! I never knew the answer, not because I didn't know history, but because I'm not prone to having "heroes" or anything like that. I look up to people, but they seemed to be people around me.
Now, I have an answer. It's not a "one part" answer, but hey, it's an answer. I hope you had a wonderful Easter!!! Believe it or not, I got to do photography on Easter! My church is slowly trying to take pictures of all our members and since many who don't come regularly come on Easter, they do pictures between services. I'm not good at finding words to explain Easter but it's simply amazing. I have so much joy about this holiday.
My church does Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services, and the somberness of them probably multiplies the joy of Easter morning. How do you celebrate? My brothers and I always help my Grammy "decorate" (for lack of a better word) the church after Maundy Thursday service. Everything gets draped in black, including the statue of Jesus, waaayyy up high! Now that my brothers are tall, they get that job. On Good Friday, we dye Easter eggs at Grammy's house. This year, in addition to regular dyes, my cousin MacKenzie and I did some fun ones because my friend gave me a kit for my birthday. Easter Sunday, we all go to church together - my family, my mom's parents, and my aunt and uncle and cousins. Our youth group puts on an Easter breakfast so we eat breakfast there. After church, we spend the day together at Grammy and Grandpa's house. The cousins do an Easter egg hunt (my brothers and I help hide them now :) and my mom does Resurrection eggs with them. For those who don't know what those are, they are twelve plastic eggs that have little items inside that represent parts of the Easter story: a donkey, a piece of cloth, a crown of thorns, three pieces of silver, etc. The last egg is empty because the tomb was empty on Easter morning!!! We have gotten some awesome responses over the years as little kids have given answers to what each item is. One year, in response to the crown, my cousin said, "it's a crown of pokes!". I hope you had a blessed Easter and if you want, I'd love to hear what traditions you do with your family! He is Risen! He is Risen indeed, Alleluia! I always forget how tiny newborns are!!! They are such precious gifts that God has given us!
Felicity was an absolute joy to work with. (And doesn't she have the prettiest name?) We were able to get a couple shots of her awake before she ate and fell asleep. Her big brother was so nice to let me take some photos of his baby sister with Daddy :) He also helped Daddy kill a spider that was on my setup! I love doing in-home sessions because everyone can relax in comfortable surroundings. This family I knew had several large windows, so it was a win-win! I got all the gorgeous natural light and they got to be in their home. Of course, I can make just about anything work, but it's always nice when it's easier! Here are sweet Felicity's photos! I'll try not to make this too long, but no promises! I wrote a post about productivity a few days ago but I thought I'd go a little more in depth. I'm not a productivity guru by any means. I'm just trying to show another way of getting things done.
Maybe you have a great system in place already or maybe you've been trying things out and this might be just what you were looking for. I don't know. My current plan will probably change but it works for this season of life that I'm in. Have you ever experienced this? You're somewhere and something comes up in conversation or you see something. It gets filed away but not really thought about. A few weeks later, it comes up again. Then a few weeks after that and again after that. It's showing up different places you go and with different friends. Can you relate?
I've never been a goal setter. Maybe it's because my parents never did things like New Year's Resolutions, but I just never really thought about it. I had/ have dreams, but I thought those were my goals. I have since learned differently.
Look at those blue eyes!!! Aren't they gorgeous?
Evie is such a sweet baby. At six months, she is rolling over and playing with her feet and she is a happy, smiley baby. Something about the camera brings out her model face, though. She's smile at us when we were talking to her, but then for the camera, all seriousness. We still managed to get a few good smiles :) One of the things I love about milestone sessions like these are seeing how much the baby has grown and changed. It's amazing what three more months can do! I can't believe he's a senior in high school and getting ready to go off to college this fall!!!
If you meet Luke, you'll think he's a pretty shy, quiet kid. But once you know Luke, you'll know that he's quiet, but behind the serious face, there is all kinds of stuff going on in his mind. Luke is one of the jokesters. I know a couple of kids who you would never expect to be some of the funniest people in the room. He has a really quick wit that often has me alternating between laughing and shaking my head. Seriously, he is so much fun to be around. You will never be bored when you hang out with Luke. He's also so dedicated. I don't know how long he's been doing track and cross country but he's one of those runners who's out running in the cold Michigan winters. It pays off for him too. He has done so well for his high school team. He also is a great student and is a very talented musician! But if you want to know about his accomplishments, you'll have to ask his friends and family because he is a very humble, down-to-earth guy in spite of all that. Anyone who knows Luke is blessed by knowing him and I am so excited to see where God takes him in college and beyond!! Congratulations, Luke! |
Hi! I'm Sarah!
I am a natural light portrait photographer. I've been taking photos since 2014 and would eat a smoothie from Tropical Smoothie Cafe for lunch everyday if I could. Thank you so much for stopping by. I blog about sessions, things I'm learning, stuff in my life, and information for YOU, my client. If you like what you see around the site, I'd love to work with you! I'd also love to connect with you on Instagram. I'm @sarah_jayne_photo :) Archives
December 2024