Halloween can be pretty controversial in some circles. My family has done several different things with Halloween and because of my growing up experiences, coupled with what I've seen/heard other families do, I have a few thoughts on how I might want to do it with my own kids one day.
Ella Duran is a favorite IG follow of mine. She has a lot of wisdom to share as a result of some intense things she's lived through in life. Currently, she's living in New Zealand and I am absolutely loving following along on her adventures there! #travelgoals
Several weeks ago, she posted something about a bridge that really hit home with me and I want to share it with you. A few days ago, I posted about how I don't think there can be an over-saturated photography market. Most of the focus was on the client, but I talked a little bit about community as well. Today I want to focus in more on that community aspect and talk about why we don't need to be afraid of our so-called "competition".
A lot of people think that photography is super competitive. They lament an "over-saturated market". I think it's all about how you look at it. I certainly have not found an over-saturated market in my area!!! I have been searching and searching for other photographers around me because I am looking for community.
It was an particular honor for me to be asked to do this event. This lady has been an inspiration to me for many years now. I can't pin it down to one thing, but it's the way she lives her life, how she interacts with others, the graciousness of her speech. To be able to capture this time in her life, with all her family, I am honored to be able to bless her in this way.
What is even happening?! Another post that got published blank! I don't know if this is me or if my posts are getting deleted somehow. Anyway, I'll move this one as well so that you can get all the information I wanted you to have.
Don't worry, I'm not going to turn this into a food blog! But my goal with this blog is to connect with you and give you information that can help you in life!
I know a lot of people want to do more homemade things and I found a really simple way to make garlic bread at home and it tastes REALLY good! I don't do intro posts very often. Probably not often enough. I struggle with how to balance privacy and transparency so that you all can actually get to know me! Unfortunately, that means I often fall on the side of not sharing at all. Plus, we always think we aren't that interesting, yes? But I know I love learning things about my friends and I think they are super interesting! So today is a long overdue "about me" post.
Well, that was embarrassing! This post was originally slotted for September and I accidentally posted a blank post!! So sorry everyone! Rather than update it back where it was, I deleted that post and am moving it here because I want to make sure people see it. I think this could end up helping a lot of people.
Way back in March, an Instagrammer did a #confidentlybranded challenge. I didn't follow the challenge exactly, but I did use some of her prompts and I still have a few left.
De-stressing is going to look very different because we all have different personality types. Before I get to how I de-stress, I want to share the best way I've ever heard to explain the difference between introverts and extroverts. |
Hi! I'm Sarah!
I am a natural light portrait photographer. I've been taking photos since 2014 and would eat a smoothie from Tropical Smoothie Cafe for lunch everyday if I could. Thank you so much for stopping by. I blog about sessions, things I'm learning, stuff in my life, and information for YOU, my client. If you like what you see around the site, I'd love to work with you! I'd also love to connect with you on Instagram. I'm @sarah_jayne_photo :) Archives
December 2024