I absolutely love my 50mm lens! I use it literally all the time and it allows me so much creativity. What it doesn't allow is much freedom when I'm not outside. After a recent indoor session, I knew I needed to get another lens to add to my arsenal; one that would provide more freedom indoors.
There are people who use nice dishes every night and light candles at the dinner table. There are people who celebrate all sorts of little things. I can't recall what prompted the discussion, but I was talking to my family about bring more ceremony into everyday life. You might think, "why?", but I think, "why not?".
Honest confession - I haven't had photos taken of me since my senior year. Yeah, I know that's pretty bad. A goal of mine, for several years now, is to have images of myself taken in every season. Winter has been so hard because snow is rare and when it does come, it doesn't stay around long. We finally had a day with snow and both my friend and I were free! Never mind that it was about 17 degrees outside :)
A couple of weeks ago I did a post about personality tests and now I'm doing another one?
I don't know about you, but when blog posts or articles get really long, I start skimming or don't finish them. Sorry, but it's true. I have to be invested to want to finish. I'm guessing a lot of people are like that, so I decided to split the article so I could share all that I want to share with you and keep the posts to a reasonable length :) Today's post is about maybe the most impactful personality test I've ever taken - Gretchen Rubin's The Four Tendencies. "I'm taking a month long social media break. See you all later!"
They may not use those exact words, but more and more people are taking some significant amount of time off social media (for a variety of reasons) and they announce it to all their followers. But is that necessary? Birthdays are so fun, aren't they? To be completely honest, I think I like celebrating other people's birthdays more than my own (because I don't particularly like being the center of attention) which is one reason why I love how we do birthday parties! But I do have a few favorite memories from past birthdays.
Is there anything cuter than a laughing baby?
This kid is too much! I absolutely love his facial expressions and his big eyes that take everything in. He never fails to make me laugh when his mom posts his monthly photos on her Instagram feed. Did you know a baby can look concerned, surprised, and bewildered? Well, Graham can :) My brothers and I are all really close together when it comes to our birthdays. It's funny because our family (and now I mean extended family) does a really good job of clumping birthdays in groups, or at least always around a holiday where we get together anyway. Because it can be hard to get everyone together (and it's getting progressively harder as kids get older), we've gotten creative with our birthdays.
I'm sure there are dozens (if not more) of blog posts and articles talking about journaling. What's one more? This is not an exhaustive post; I'm sure I'll miss a few benefits (feel free to mention any more in the comments!). So why write yet another blog post? Well, I've been journaling for about thirteen years and I thought maybe my experiences would be helpful to someone.
I'm a planner all the way. I've actually surprised myself lately by hearing the words "we'll just see how it plays out" come from my mouth in regards to an upcoming weekend trip! Who is this girl?
I definitely love to-do lists because they help me remember what I want and need to do and help me not procrastinate (as much :) But if they become a taskmaster and lock you in an iron grip, that's not a fun place to be. Enter "ta-da" lists. |
Hi! I'm Sarah!
I am a natural light portrait photographer. I've been taking photos since 2014 and would eat a smoothie from Tropical Smoothie Cafe for lunch everyday if I could. Thank you so much for stopping by. I blog about sessions, things I'm learning, stuff in my life, and information for YOU, my client. If you like what you see around the site, I'd love to work with you! I'd also love to connect with you on Instagram. I'm @sarah_jayne_photo :) Archives
December 2024