Do you worry about forgetting things when you're packing for a trip? Would you like to not have to pack your kids stuff AND your own? First, remember that you can pretty much buy anything you might forget when you reach your destination (unless you're going backpacking in the wilderness, in which case, my tips probably don't apply to you anyway). Obviously we don't want to buy things unnecessarily, but the world won't end if we have to buy a new cord or pair of pajamas. With that in mind, let's get to the tips!
I really like reading and owning books that I enjoy is kind of one of my love languages. I want to be able to loan them to others and read them whenever the mood strikes and sometimes, I even underline or make notes in them! *gasp* Yes, I am one of "those" people :) It took me some time to get to that point, though.
Believe it or not, I do not have an endless supply of funds with which to purchase books, so I have gotten creative in how (and when) I get my books. Rather than just a list of things I'm thankful for, I thought this year I'd share a list of things that are life-giving to me. When I say "life-giving" I'm talking about things that bring me joy, improve my mood, and bless my life. Little blessings that often go unnoticed. These aren't things that literally sustain my life (that list is rather short - God, oxygen, food, & water pretty much sum it up) but rather the extra things that brighten life.
I cannot eat whole apples. Weird, I know. This means that I can’t take apples in lunches or on trips because I can’t cut them up. This summer, I discovered a way to prep cut up apples so that they don’t turn brown and it’s so simple!!
Growing up, my family spent a lot of time together. Being homeschooled, my mom, brothers, and I were together pretty much all day every day. But my dad positioned his work schedule so that he was home between 3:30 and 4 most nights. We had dinner together almost every day. Then we grew up and family time became much harder to come by. Recently, we started fighting for our family time by designating one night a week as "family night".
I recently purchased a sample album and a sample layflat book so my clients can get a feel for what the product is like. I was pleased to discover that I also could get swatches of the cover materials I offer!!!
Growing up, we had four Advent calendars each year. Oma would get us a chocolate calendar and then we had The Muppets calendar that was their version of The Gift of The Magi (my dad does all the voices and it's the best!), a wooden nativity scene calendar, and a fabric calendar that was my mom's when she was girl (but with some new additions over the years). I am starting to buy Advent calendars for my "nieces and nephews" and it is actually kind of hard to find ones that are fun for little kids but still incorporate the true meaning of Christmas.
I feel like I'm always searching for the perfect planner. I've used a lot of different ones and I'm going to share with you what I've liked and didn't like about each one!
As a natural light photographer, flash has always kind of scared and intimidated me. Plus, I don't like how it looks! I want the skin tones and everything else that comes with natural light. I have a flash and I have used it, but it's definitely not my preference. Well, (some of) that is changing!!!!
My first introduction to these cuties was in a Pinterest class I took at my co-op way back in 2015!!!! I made one for myself and then proceeded to make them for my grandmothers, friends, and I made a family of snowmen that represented my own family! They are super easy and fun to make!
Hi! I'm Sarah!
I am a natural light portrait photographer. I've been taking photos since 2014 and would eat a smoothie from Tropical Smoothie Cafe for lunch everyday if I could. Thank you so much for stopping by. I blog about sessions, things I'm learning, stuff in my life, and information for YOU, my client. If you like what you see around the site, I'd love to work with you! I'd also love to connect with you on Instagram. I'm @sarah_jayne_photo :) Archives
December 2024