I've been working with young children since I was a kid myself. I was eight years old the first time I was completely in charge of someone younger than me. Granted, her grandmother was in the room next to ours, but still, it was exciting!
When I was a little older, my friend and I together watched kids while the moms did a Bible study that our moms were a part of. That was a blast and I have so many fond memories of it. I've been a VBS group leader since I was 12. Technically, you're supposed to be 16 before you lead a group, but the coordinator is always desperate for help. That first year, I had two quiet, calm girls, only a couple of years younger than me. I have been a leader ever since and switch back and forth between doing preschool and elementary. There are fun elements to both!!! I babysit a bit and now I watch kids during the monthly moms' meeting at my church. Whatever it is, little kids are so much fun. They do the funniest things that you'd never expect. Who doesn't melt when a little kid smiles at them? What's better than a head on your shoulder and arms around your neck? How can it not make your day when a kid sees you and runs to you while yelling your name, only to launch themselves into your arms? These are just a few of the reasons I love working with kids. There's something about a young person trusting and loving you that is so special. I get to work with kids a lot and I love photographing them. Portraits are nice and I like doing them, but there is a special magic in lifestyle photos of little kids. When you just let them do their thing, at the park or in their home, you get special moments that can't be posed or scripted. Their personality comes out more and you get pictures that are an accurate reflection of who they were at that age. Children are precious and I have the best job in the world getting to work with them.
Sunlight streaming through the stained glass windows. Lilies surrounding the altar. Family all around.
And music. Bells, brass, choir, timpani, organ. It's loud and it's joyous and it perfectly brings you into the emotion of the day. Music is a huge part of my life. I love how it reflects or even can change my mood. Movies do a great job with music, by getting you to experience the scene with the type of music they choose. Easter is my favorite holiday, and with Palm Sunday, is my favorite church service of the year. The music is a bunch of my favorite hymns. Songs are my favorite form of worship and Easter's songs are so joyous. My heart swells and it's not uncommon for me to tear up. I will have a smile on my face as I sing. I don't feel great emotion in church very often, but I do on Easter. My mom tells me that one year, I was crying and when she asked why, I said, "I'm just so happy." I don't remember this, but it makes sense. It's hard to describe what it feels like if you've never had an experience like it. Hallelujah! Christ Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed! Hallelujah! Happy Easter! I don't currently have a studio, so I work with as much natural light as I possibly can. I like natural light, but I also like expanding my skill set and that means learning studio lighting.
My church is doing an in-house pictorial directory and I am one of the photographers! While this is not the style photography I'm planning on doing for my business, it's experience and I'm always looking for opportunities to practice all the things I'm learning. People talk about networking and I doubt there is a better network than the homeschool community. I know a family that used to do photography, so I reached out to them to see if they had lighting I could borrow for this shoot. Goal for this week: play with these lights. It's a rough life when I have to play with photography equipment, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for my business. This is going to add to my skill set, broaden my experience, and give me more time using my camera. I'm working up to my 10,000 hours mark. Honestly, I have no idea where I'm at, but I know it's far from the expert goal. Another reason I'm excited to do this is because, for me, photography is about service. My business is about service. That is generally going to take the form of serving families, but this is a gift God has given me, so I'm going to use it for Him in anyway I can. Serving my church is one way I can be a good steward of what He has given me. We’ll see how it goes this Sunday. I’ll post about how it went next week. Also, coming soon to the blog should be a senior photo session or two. I don’t have them scheduled yet, but I would think in the next couple of weeks. Be on the lookout! In my Session Style Guides, I talk about "coordinating" not "matching". What's that all about? That's what I'm going to tell you today! First, I want to clarify that matching is never wrong. It can be difficult to pull off though, so I don't want anyone to stress about having to match when in reality, you DON'T have to match! Matching is generally done in two ways. One is for all the people in the photograph to be wearing the same color and/or outfit style. An example would be a family in white shirts, blue jeans, and bare feet. They are matching to a T! The other way would be for guys to match and girls to match. Maybe the guys are all wearing a neutral color and the girls are wearing a bright color. Or the guys are wearing stripes and the girls are wearing solids, but of the same colors. Are you with me so far? That last example is sort of a blend into coordination. Coordination is simply having things work together. Everyone could be wearing a color of the rainbow, but it's coordination because that works together. So if you have a family where Dad and the sons are wearing blue and white striped shirts, then Mom and the girls can wear white OR blue, whatever they have, as both colors work with the guys' shirts. Now, you do have to be careful on shade. If the stripes are a darker blue, you don't want teal or turquoise. Here are two examples; the first one is an example of matching and the second, coordination. Photo credit: Robert Akers Photography In looking for an example of matching, I realized I didn't have a good one! Coordinating is really becoming much more popular, as it's a lot easier to manage.
As you saw, in the first image, everyone matches. White shirts, tan shorts/pants. The daughter is wearing a white dress. Comparatively, the second image starts with the little girl's dress and pulls it's colors from that. Her parents are both wearing blue, but the mom added the red pullover, which coordinates with the red flowers on her daughters dress. Coordinating is matching but more relaxed. Generally, you are going to pick an article of clothing for one person, and work everyone else's outfits around that. Hopefully that clarifies the difference between matching and coordinating. If you still have questions, or want to run your wardrobe choices by me, feel free to send me an email at [email protected] |
Hi! I'm Sarah!
I am a natural light portrait photographer. I've been taking photos since 2014 and would eat a smoothie from Tropical Smoothie Cafe for lunch everyday if I could. Thank you so much for stopping by. I blog about sessions, things I'm learning, stuff in my life, and information for YOU, my client. If you like what you see around the site, I'd love to work with you! I'd also love to connect with you on Instagram. I'm @sarah_jayne_photo :) Archives
December 2024